Picture of me Jackson Van Dyke

Office: 02.12.040, TUM Mathematics

Email: jackson (dot) van-dyke (at) tum.de

CV pants

I am a postdoc with Claudia Scheimbauer at the Technical University of Munich.

My research concerns anomalous properties of functorial quantum field theories. Applications include the classification of topological orders, higher algebraic geometry, and the relative Langlands program.

Please don't hesitate to email me with any corrections, comments, questions, etc.

Publications (click to expand)
Talks and notes (click to expand)

Slides: Geometric quantization, fusion categories, and Rozansky-Witten theory, University of Lisbon TQFT club, July 31, 2024.


Slides: Projective (symmetries of) TQFTs, University of Hamburg and TU Munich, December 2023.

Slides: The Drinfeld center and topological symmetries, Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries, April 2023.

My other talks

Lecture notes     Seminar notes

Seminars, misc. (click to expand)

Récoltes et Semailles

The Jr. Geometry Seminar

UT Math seminar calendar

Guide to getting started with LaTeX and Vim (pdf download)



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